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Space Needle ups their panoramic imagery with new Roundshot Livecam 4

Original Livecam Gen 2 installed in January 2015 is upgraded to newest Livecam Gen 4 technology with spectacular results

It seems like yesterday, but it was in fact some seven years ago that Space Needle installed the first ultra-HD 360-degree Roundshot Livecam at the top of the Space Needle spire some 605’ above the city of Seattle. The Roundshot brought new and amazing panoramic views never before possible, surviving gale force winds, freezing rains and lightning, and quickly became a favorite of viewers around the world while amassing over 3MM views to-date.

Roundshot technology has continued to improve over the years, and last fall Space Needle took the next step in their panoramic imagery program by upgrading to the latest Generation 4 Livecam, doubling the image quality to 144-megapixels, adding hourly video capture and operating 24/7 with spectacular night images of the city. An innovative new mounting system was devised for the camera by Breedt Design to assure the unobstructed view was maintained and lightning protection was maximized.

Fox10 news in Seattle published a spectacular drone video showing the dizzying installation by one of the intrepid Space Needle technicians.

As always, PanoAlpin and Seitz are proud to partner with Space Needle to bring these extraordinary new images to the world, and we look forward to many more years of amazing views from this iconic location.


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