On the evening of May 10, 2024 and into the early hours of May 11, unusually strong solar activity caused the Aurora Borealis to be visible in locations in the US and Europe much farther south than normal. Our Roundshot Gen4 cameras captured spectacular images of this amazing phenomenon in beautiful detail, as can be seen in the unfiltered image from Aspen Highlands, CO, USA shown below:
This shot was captured at 01:30 am on May 11, and shows Highland Peak and the famous Maroon Bells peaks with a starlit sky and beautiful hues of green and pink to the north.
Switzerland was also the beneficiary of incredible Aurora images, many of which can be seen on the Roundshot website at: https://www.roundshot.com/en/home/messages/details.html/21/news/720
We hope you enjoy these inspiring panoramas, and we are delighted that our technology has proven capable of capturing such amazing images given this unusual opportunity.